Feast Your Eyes on an Institute of Hedonism

About our Venue

  • Dungeon

    The KEN dungeon is open throughout the event, featuring various types of equipment, and toys and fully policed by seasoned, professional dungeon monitors. Find out more about the delightful opportunities available.

  • Photography

    We promote self-love, dressing to impress and stepping out of your comfort zone to experience new pleasures - which is why we have special places set up for your vanity, without risking your privacy.

  • Courtyard

    Not everyone comes to KEN for the burlesque and dungeon, many come to socialise and peacock their outfits or enjoy a dance! We offer the courtyard experience with walk-about performers, DJs, bars, a photobooth, body painting and an indoor area.


The Old School House and Courtyard is a listed building just outside Hull City Centre. It is, quite literally, an old Victorian school that has been converted into a Nightclub. Due to the listed nature of the building, accessibility can have its challenges.

We have been working with a local accessibility expert from Elephant in the Room to ensure that this scenic venue has been made as accessible as possible for guests. Should you have an idea on how we can continue to improve our accessibility services at KEN, we would love to hear from you.

  • "Was great working behind the bar at this event last night! All the customers were incredibly friendly."

  • "Had a fantastic evening, well run event and the staff where helpful and friendly!"

  • "Absolutely amazing, safe event. It was good to know monitors were making sure we had a great time. Friendly people and perfect venue. "

  • "Been going to KEN for a few years now and volunteered for their post Covid re-opening, they always pull in an excellent crowd."